TODAY in downtown Chicago ... I just finished listening to the first half of “Other You” podcast, where I was featured talking with Mr. Daniel Moreno, the founder and host, about my journey and roads not taken in my life. Here is a link to the first half of our conversation:

We talk about my year living in LA and my dashed Hollywood ambitions (the appropriately fuzzy pictures with this entry are of my LA apartment circa 2001); that time I lived in Georgia working as a newspaper reporter for a month before quitting my job to come to Chicago for work at Jet Magazine; how I came this|close to life as a Howard University Bison instead of a Dillard University Blue Devil ... and my days as Treble MC – the rap artist you never knew.
In the second half of the podcast, Daniel reads a story that he wrote, which is a fantasy about what would happen if I had chosen another path — and then gets my reaction.
You can find part two here (The first few minutes or so are a song Daniel chose, so listen
or scrub over to start the interview at around 3:44):

Whew! Check it out! And check out the “Other You” episodes on Daniel’s site:
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