Welcome to my spring collection!
It’s actually my first spring collection ever. I had to sit and think about what makes a collection. After I determined that, I next had to decide what would make a good collection.
Well, a collection is simply a grouping of things that share some commonality, such as a theme. That being the case, I decided to develop my handmade offerings along the lines of many of the characteristics that make spring spring — and such a delight. Living in Chicago for a few decades now, spring has become my favorite season. It’s a time of renewal, rebirth and most importantly thawing and warming.
I decided that a good collection is fun, delightful, exciting and inspiring.
So, all that being said, in this collection you will see, among others, the influence of: gardening, water, food, forests, plants and flowers, skies, carnivals, and COLOR.
What's different about this collection as well for me as an artist is the addition of new materials to the mix, namely paints and resin. Boy, has it been big FUN incorporating these into my bag of tricks!

In a way, it’s really more of a spring and early summer collection, and, just as spring morphs into summer, eventually so will the collection as it grows.
Right now my offering as I write this blog post is an array of 15 items — mostly earrings and necklaces but stay tuned!
I’m excited to share them with you. I hope you enjoy reviewing them — as much as I had fun designing and making them!
Thank you so much, Lydia!
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